Rubus occidentalis L. - black raspberry  

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North American Weed ID Photos Page 2 - Selected Species  - 301 - 600 See Page 3 for 601 - 900 Weeds List

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Scientific Name - Common Name / Symbol Photo
Asclepias syriaca - common milkweed 

asclepias syriaca USDA

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Escobaria vivipara - spinystar


escobaria vivipara USDA
Oenothera speciosa - pinkladies


oenothera speciosa USDA
Opuntia humifusa - devils-tongue


opuntia humifusa USDA
Pueraria lobata / montana - kudzu


pueraria lobata <a title=

Quercus alba - white oak


quercus alba USDA
Quercus marilandica - blackjack oak


quercus marilandica USDA
Quercus stellata - post oak


quercus stellata USDA
Rosa arkansana - prairie rose


rosa arkansana USDA
Rubus occidentalis - black raspberry


rubus occidentalis USDA
Sicyos angulatus - oneseed burr cucumber


sicyos angulatus USDA
Sophora nuttalliana - silky sophora


sophora nuttalliana USDA

Photos and PDF Downloads by Weed Species Common and Botanical Names


Broadleaf Species list numbers 301 - 600 (601 - 900  page 3)
Images and weed control information from Ergonica, Google, and USDA Plants Database

301. fennel Foeniculum vulgare
302. fern water Salvinia minima
303. feverfew Tanacetum parthenium
304. fiddleneck coast Amsinckia menziesii var. menziesii
305. fiddleneck tarweed Amsinckia lycopsoides
306. fiddleneck western Amsinckia tessellata
307. fieldcress Austrian Rorippa austriaca
308. fieldcress yellow Rorippa sylvestris
309. filaree broadleaf Erodium botrys
310. filaree redstem Erodium cicutarium
311. filaree whitestem Erodium moschatum
312. fireweed Chamerion angustifolium
313. fleabane annual Erigeron annuus
314. fleabane dwarf Conyza ramosissima
315. fleabane hairy Conyza bonariensis
316. fleabane Philadelphia Erigeron philadelphicus
317. fleabane rough Erigeron strigosus
318. flixweed Descurainia sophia
319. fluvellin sharppoint Kickxia elatine
320. fogfruit northern Phyla lanceolata
321. four o'clock wild Mirabilis nyctaginea
322. foxglove Digitalis purpurea
323. frog fruit common Phyla nodiflora
324. frogbit American Limnobium spongia
325. fumitory Fumaria officinalis
326. galinsoga hairy Galinsoga quadriradiata
327. galinsoga smallflower Galinsoga parviflora
328. garden rocket Eruca vesicaria ssp. sativa
329. garlic Allium sativum
330. garlic wild Allium vineale
331. gaura biennial Gaura biennis
332. gaura small flowered Gaura parviflora
333. geranium Carolina Geranium carolinianum
334. geranium cutleaf Geranium dissectum
335. geranium dovefoot Geranium molle
336. geranium smallflowered Geranium pusillum
337. germander American Teucrium canadense
338. geum large leaf Geum macrophyllum
339. gianthyssop catnip Agastache nepetoides
340. globemallow Sphaeralcea spp.
341. globethistle great Echinops sphaerocephalus
342. goatsrue Galega officinalis
343. goatweed Scoparia dulcis
344. golden pea mountain Thermopsis montana
345. golden aster Heterotheca villosa
346. goldenpea Thermopsis rhombifolia
347. goldenrod Canada Solidago canadensis
348. goldenrod gray Solidago nemoralis
349. goldenrod Missouri Solidago missouriensis
350. goldenrod narrowleaf Euthamia graminifolia


351. goldenrod rigid Oligoneuron rigidum
352. goldenrod tall Solidago altissima
353. goldenrod western Euthamia occidentalis
354. goldenweed Grindelia papposa
355. goosefoot blite Chenopodium capitatum
356. goosefoot cutleaf Dysphania multifida
357. goosefoot Jerusalem oak Dysphania botrys
358. goosefoot mapleleaf Chenopodium simplex
359. goosefoot nettleleaf Chenopodium murale
360. goosefoot oakleaf Chenopodium glaucum
361. goosefoot Tasmanian Dysphania pumilio
362. gooseweed Sphenoclea zeylanica
363. gorse Ulex europaeus
364. gourd buffalo Cucurbita foetidissima
365. gourd ivy Coccinia grandis
366. gourd Texas Cucurbita pepo var. texana
367. goutweed bishops Aegopodium podagraria
368. grape hyacinth Muscari botryoides
369. greasewood Sarcobatus vermiculatus
370. gromwell corn Buglossoides arvensis
371. groundcherry clammy Physalis heterophylla
372. groundcherry cutleaf Physalis angulata
373. groundcherry longleaf Physalis longifolia
374. groundcherry prairie Physalis hederifolia
375. groundcherry tomatillo Physalis philadelphica var. immaculata
376. groundcherry Virginia Physalis virginiana
377. groundcherry Wright Physalis acutifolia
378. groundsel common Senecio vulgaris
379. groundsel cressleaf Packera glabella
380. groundsel prairie Packera plattensis
381. groundsel threadleaf Senecio flaccidus
382. groundsel woodland Senecio sylvaticus
383. gumplant Grindelia camporum
384. gumweed curlycup Grindelia squarrosa
385. gumweed low Grindelia nana
386. hackberry common Celtis occidentalis
387. halogeton Halogeton glomeratus
388. hawkbit rough Leontodon taraxacoides
389. hawksbeard Asiatic Youngia japonica
390. hawksbeard bristly Crepis setosa
391. hawksbeard narrowleaf Crepis tectorum
392. hawksbeard smooth Crepis capillaris
393. hawkweed mouseear Hieracium pilosella
394. hawkweed orange Hieracium aurantiacum
395. hawkweed yellow Hieracium caespitosum
396. healall Prunella vulgaris
397. hedge parsley Torilis arvensis
398. hedgeparsley Japanese Torilis japonica
399. hedgeparsley knotted Torilis nodosa
400. heliotrope alkali Heliotropium curassavicum


401. heliotrope European Heliotropium europaeum
402. hempnettle common Galeopsis tetrahit
403. hempweed climbing Mikania scandens
404. henbane black Hyoscyamus niger
405. henbit Lamium amplexicaule
406. herb robert Geranium robertianum
407. herniaria gray Herniaria hirsuta ssp. cinerea
408. hogpotato Hoffmannseggia glauca
409. hogweed giant Heracleum mantegazzianum
410. hollyhock Alcea rosea
411. honeybells Nothoscordum gracile
412. honeysuckle Japanese Lonicera japonica
413. honeysuckle Tatarian Lonicera tatarica
414. honeysuckle trumpet Lonicera sempervirens
415. hops Japanese Humulus japonicus
416. horehound white Marrubium vulgare
417. hornedpoppy red Glaucium corniculatum
418. horsenettle Solanum carolinense
419. horsenettle robust Solanum dimidiatum
420. horseradish Armoracia rusticana
421. horsetail Braun Equisetum laevigatum
422. horsetail field Equisetum arvense
423. horsetail giant Equisetum telmateia
424. horsetail marsh Equisetum palustre
425. horseweed Conyza canadensis
426. horseweed sprawling Calyptocarpus vialis
427. houndstongue Cynoglossum officinale
428. hyacinth wild Dichelostemma capitatum
429. Indian tobacco Lobelia inflata
430. indigobush Amorpha fruticosa
431. iris Rocky Mountain Iris missouriensis
432. iris yellowflag Iris pseudacorus
433. ironplant cutleaf Machaeranthera pinnatifida
434. ironweed Vernonia fasciculata
435. ironweed tall Vernonia gigantea
436. ironweed western Vernonia baldwinii
437. ivy English Hedera helix
438. ivy ground Glechoma hederacea
439. jimsonweed Datura stramonium
440. joepyeweed Eutrochium fistulosum
441. joepyeweed spotted Eutrochium maculatum
442. joepyeweed sweet Eutrochium purpureum
443. joepyeweed tall Eupatorium altissimum
444. jointvetch Indian Aeschynomene indica
445. jointvetch northern Aeschynomene virginica
446. jumbie bean tree Leucaena leucocephala
447. juniper leaf Polypremum procumbens
448. Kenilworth ivy Cymbalaria muralis
449. knapweed bighead Centaurea macrocephala
450. knapweed black Centaurea nigra


451. knapweed brown Centaurea jacea
452. knapweed diffuse Centaurea diffusa
453. knapweed meadow Centaurea nigrescens
454. knapweed Russian Acroptilon repens
455. knapweed spotted Centaurea stoebe ssp. micranthos
456. knapweed squarrose Centaurea virgata ssp. squarrosa
457. knawel Scleranthus annuus
458. knotweed Polygonum arenastrum
459. knotweed Japanese Polygonum cuspidatum
460. knotweed Sakhalin Polygonum sachalinense
461. knotweed silversheath Polygonum argyrocoleon
462. knotweed striate Polygonum achoreum
463. kochia Bassia scoparia
464. kudzu Pueraria montana var. lobata
465. ladysthumb Polygonum persicaria
466. lambsquarters common Chenopodium album
467. lambsquarters narrowleaf Chenopodium pratericola
468. lambsquarters netseed Chenopodium berlandieri
469. lambsquarters slimleaf Chenopodium leptophyllum
470. lantana largeleaf Lantana camara
471. lantern Chinese Quincula lobata
472. larkspur duncecap Delphinium X occidentale
473. larkspur dwarf Delphinium tricorne
474. larkspur Geyer Delphinium geyeri
475. larkspur low Delphinium nuttallianum
476. larkspur plains Delphinium carolinianum
477. larkspur tall eastern Delphinium barbeyi
478. larkspur two color Delphinium bicolor
479. larkspur waxy Delphinium glaucum
480. leadplant Amorpha canescens
481. leafflower Phyllanthus urinaria
482. lespedeza common Kummerowia striata
483. lespedeza Korean Kummerowia stipulacea
484. lespedeza round head Lespedeza capitata
485. lespedeza sericea Lespedeza cuneata
486. lettuce biennial Lactuca biennis
487. lettuce blue Lactuca tatarica var. pulchella
488. lettuce Florida wild Lactuca floridana
489. lettuce prickly Lactuca serriola
490. lettuce tall Lactuca canadensis
491. lettuce willowleaf Lactuca saligna
492. licorice wild Glycyrrhiza lepidota
493. lily of the valley Convallaria majalis
494. lily of the valley vine Salpichroa origanifolia
495. lizardstail Saururus cernuus
496. loco spotted Astragalus lentiginosus
497. loco wooly Astragalus mollissimus
498. locust black Robinia pseudoacacia
499. locust honey Gleditsia triacanthos
500. loosestrife fringed Lysimachia ciliata


501. loosestrife garden Lysimachia vulgaris
502. loosestrife hyssop Lythrum hyssopifolium
503. loosestrife purple Lythrum salicaria
504. lotus American Nelumbo lutea
505. lupine large leaved Lupinus polyphyllus
506. lupine Lindley's annual Lupinus bicolor
507. lupine low Lupinus pusillus
508. lupine perennial Lupinus perennis
509. lupine silky Lupinus sericeus
510. lupine silver Lupinus argenteus
511. lupine Wyeth Lupinus wyethii
512. madder field Sherardia arvensis
513. mallow alkali Malvella leprosa
514. mallow bristly Modiola caroliniana
515. mallow common Malva neglecta
516. mallow high Malva sylvestris
517. mallow little Malva parviflora
518. mallow musk Malva moschata
519. mallow Venice Hibiscus trionum
520. Maltese cross Lychnis chalcedonica
521. maple Norway Acer platanoides
522. maple silver Acer saccharinum
523. marigold fetid Dyssodia papposa
524. marijuana Cannabis sativa
525. marjoram wild Origanum vulgare
526. marshelder Cyclachaena xanthifolia
527. marshelder annual Iva annua
528. matrimonyvine Lycium barbarum
529. meadowsweet Spiraea alba
530. medic black Medicago lupulina
531. mentzelia naked Mentzelia nuda
532. mesquite honey Prosopis glandulosa
533. mexicantea Dysphania ambrosioides
534. Miami mist Phacelia purshii
535. milkthistle blessed Silybum marianum
536. milkvetch Canadian Astragalus canadensis
537. milkvetch nuttall Astragalus nuttallianus
538. milkvetch standing Astragalus laxmannii
539. milkvetch twogrooved Astragalus bisulcatus
540. milkweed broadleaf Asclepias latifolia
541. milkweed butterfly Asclepias tuberosa
542. milkweed eastern whorled Asclepias verticillata
543. milkweed green Asclepias viridiflora
544. milkweed honeyvine Cynanchum laeve
545. milkweed low Asclepias pumila
546. milkweed Mexican whorled Asclepias fascicularis
547. milkweed purple Asclepias purpurascens
548. milkweed showy Asclepias speciosa
549. milkweed swamp Asclepias incarnata
550. milkweed western whorled Asclepias subverticillata


551. miner's lettuce Claytonia perfoliata
552. mint field Mentha arvensis
553. mint perilla Perilla frutescens
554. mistflower Conoclinium coelestinum
555. mockstrawberry Indian Duchesnea indica
556. moneywort Lysimachia nummularia
557. monkeyflower common large Mimulus guttatus
558. monochoria Monochoria vaginalis
559. moonflower purple Ipomoea turbinata
560. moonseed red Cocculus carolinus
561. morningglory bigroot Ipomoea pandurata
562. morningglory cypressvine Ipomoea quamoclit
563. morningglory ivyleaf Ipomoea hederacea
564. morningglory palmleaf Ipomoea wrightii
565. morningglory pitted Ipomoea lacunosa
566. morningglory red Ipomoea coccinea
567. morningglory sharppo otton / Ipomoea cordatotriloba
568. morningglory smallflower Jacquemontia tamnifolia
569. morningglory tall Ipomoea purpurea
570. mosquito fern Azolla spp.
571. mossrose Portulaca grandiflora
572. motherwort Leonurus cardiaca
573. mountain ash European Sorbus aucuparia
574. mugwort Artemisia vulgaris
575. mule's ears Wyethia amplexicaulis
576. mullein common Verbascum thapsus
577. mullein moth Verbascum blattaria
578. mullein purplestamen Verbascum virgatum
579. mullein turkey Croton setigerus
580. mustard ball Neslia paniculata
581. mustard birdsrape Brassica rapa
582. mustard black Brassica nigra
583. mustard blue Chorispora tenella
584. mustard dog Erucastrum gallicum
585. mustard garlic Alliaria petiolata
586. mustard haresear Conringia orientalis
587. mustard hedge Sisymbrium officinale
588. mustard Indian Brassica juncea
589. mustard Oriental Sisymbrium orientale
590. mustard shortpod Hirschfeldia incana
591. mustard Syrian Euclidium syriacum
592. mustard tall hedge Sisymbrium loeselii
593. mustard tumble Sisymbrium altissimum
594. mustard white Sinapis alba
595. mustard wild Sinapis arvensis
596. naiad slender Najas flexilis
597. navarretia needle leaf Navarretia intertexta
598. nettle burning Urtica urens
599. nettle false Boehmeria cylindrica
600. nettle stinging Urtica dioica
































































Continued next page   Weed Identification List Items 601 - 900 ...

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