Effortless Gardening - Enable Gardening Forever

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Techniques to enable gardening activities with a minimum of stress on your body


The Effortless Gardening video shows how to ease pain in knees, hands, wrists, neck, shoulders, and back. It also demonstrates best ways to do the following tasks:


using a wheelbarrow
how to relieve stress!




Does "Effortless Gardening" sound like a contradiction in terms?  It isn't.  Many gardeners suffer needlessly because they use their bodies improperly. The Effortless Gardening Program teaches you practical body movement techniques that make gardening nearly effortless.

You will learn the Pain Equation -- and how to reverse it. You'll improve your flexibility and body awareness by doing the audiotaped Feldenkrais® movement lessons. The Effortless Gardening Program even coaches you while you're gardening!

Don't let pain prevent you from pursuing your passion. It's possible to feel great the day after gardening -- let Effortless Gardening show you how!

More than just a video...

The Effortless Gardening Program contains:

bullet one videotape 
two audiocassettes
a printed program guide

The program guide introduces Miriam Levenson, explains the Feldenkrais Method® in terms of gardening, and tells you how to get the best results from Effortless Gardening. Refer back to this guide when you're curious or confused.

The videotape introduces the principles of Effortless Gardening. It teaches you the Pain Equation and shows the best way to do many typical gardening activities. The video shows how to ease pain in knees, hands, wrists, neck, shoulders, and back. It also demonstrates best ways to do the following tasks:

bullet weeding 
using a wheelbarrow
how to relieve stress!

Each side of the audiocassettes includes one Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement® lesson and coaching on related tasks. The movement lessons can be done before or after gardening. Doing the lessons relaxes stressed muscles, improves flexibility and range of motion, and increases body awareness.

More Information about the Feldenkrais Method

The personalized coaching sessions ground Effortless Gardening theory in your own body. Do the coaching task before the Awareness Through Movement lesson, and then again after the lesson. Notice if it's easier afterward, even without specific coaching. Then listen to the coaching session, and notice if the task becomes even easier.

bulletSide 1 contains the Feldenkrais lesson entitled Finding Your Hip Joints, and coaching on Using Long-Handled Tools, like shoveling, hand-tilling, raking and hoeing.  
Side 2 contains the Feldenkrais lesson entitled Supporting Your Hands, and coaching on Pushing Equipment such as a rototiller, wheelbarrow, or lawn mower.
Side 3 contains the Feldenkrais lesson Effortless Weeding and coaching on Working Near the Ground, such as digging, planting, weeding, etc.
Side 4 contains the Feldenkrais lesson entitled Effortless Squatting and coaching on Working Bent Over and Lifting, including harvesting, weeding, planting seeds or bulbs, and lifting pavers, heavy bags of mulch, or shovelfuls of compost.

Cost of the Effortless Gardening Program:
$69.95 plus shipping and handling and tax where applicable.

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Just So You Know:
This program is designed to help the gardener prevent injury and pain. The techniques are intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice or medical treatment. Anyone who experiences ongoing pain should seek advice from his or her physician or other licensed medical practitioner. You are urged to consult a physician concerning your own situation and any physical problems or medical questions you may have.

No Risk Guarantee by manufacturer.


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