Wildland Urban Interface Perimeter External Firewall System: |
Palisades - Eaton - Fires |
Kicked in the gut. Wildfire evacuation. Locked in with neighbors and strangers trying to keep a safe distance in tight temporary shelter. Thick, muddy smoke defines the orange sky. The smell of burning trees, leaves and things that are not supposed to burn. Acid fumes. Looking for CWPP ideas?
Wildfires only first became a concern to Los Angeles in 1884 when flooding from eroded hillsides wiped out the track system of the Southern
Pacific Railroad in the Los Angeles area, which history is reported by the
Los Angeles Regional Fire Safe Council.
Wildfires in the mountains north of Los Angeles were considered more of an attraction than a threat, especially at night. Authorities finally
banned needless fires and even threatened to prosecute offenders.
Now is the time for another serious step, not to disregard so many advances already accomplished in firefighting technology, tools, laws,
standards, strategies and sacrifices made by professional firefighters and volunteers
Now we see many more people in our stretched out megalopolis, more housing developments in the wildlands urban interface (WUI), 100 mph winds,
desiccated vegetation, insufficient water resources where needed, no backup plan when our normal strategies can’t match the challenge at the
critical moment of need. Time is everything when people are trying to evacuate and roads are jammed. Lives lost. Mercilessly. Time is everything
in firefighting 101. Time and water in the right places. Water pressure.
Let’s look at some solutions. Reality that can work, if we bite the bullet. The cost of freedom from frantic fire.
We know that fire departments across the state already use a sophisticated AI tool, run by UC San Diego, that can detect fires in video
footage and LIDAR data so they can respond quickly to flames. Now we also know that
as it is called, and which deploys more than 1,144 cameras and sensor arrays that capture live video around the clock, also took some
terrific footage of the
Palisades Fire and the
Eaton Fire.
In the recent past, we also have read about ALERTCalifornia’s success with several fires including the recent Black Star Canyon fire,
where the system alerted the
Orange County Fire Authority
at 2 a.m., enabling firefighters to douse the fire and contain it to less than a quarter-acre.
Unfortunately, although the Los Angeles video operations were a success, the wild elements outpaced our water and retardant chemicals,
blowing in the nearly 100 mph winds. You can’t safely and accurately drop water and chemicals where they need to be with gale wind speeds.
Camera Coverage
Looking at ALERTCallifornia camera views from Catalina Island, we
notice three cameras on Catalina island and very few on the mainland coast. There are also three cameras at the
upper edge of the 2025 Fire Perimeters (press button for that view) near Dark Canyon. None closer to the beach until you get to Santa Monica and the SM Freeway
(zoom in and out on map). One question is whether we could have
acquired earlier warnings with cameras focused specifically on the devastated canyons from a closer coastal vantage point. Don't know if an oil rig
platform is nearby, or we could build a few special platforms to focus especially on the Santa Monica mountains viewed from the coast?
News reports from NewsNation
and other media indicate that the first 911 call for the Palisades Fire came in at 10:29 on Jan. 7, 2025. According to CBS, the location was reportedly near a
recent New Years Eve fire called the
Lachman Fire, which was limited
to eight acres and did not destroy structures. Apparently, 911 calls preceded any notification alerts from ALERTCallifornia cameras. Several resources
have indicated a hiking trail near Skull Rock may be the likely starting place as reported by the
LA Times.
This location is more central to the burn area and more visible to several cameras. In this case, the strong Santa Ana winds may have contributed to the fire's
rapid descent to the shoreline below.
Before jumping to conclusions, it would be good to know:
Does your wildfire mitigation plan (WMP) include wind control and ember protection fencing? We need more
than firebreaks and vegetation clearance. For wildfire protection in high wildfire hazard risk areas,
a comprehensive wildfire mitigation plan should include wind control and
ember screens and fences as
well as fortified and hardened building assets, in addition to adequate defensible space by brush and
vegetation treatment. To fully integrate wildfire and wind mitigation, upgrade to
W2MP standards. Communities in Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) areas in or near
federally managed wildlands should also include ember protection fencing in their
Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)
with partial funding participation by federal funds.
All residents may participate in the planning process.
For gated communities, observatories, communication towers, and irreplaceable structures like the
Getty Museum,
we need a comprehensive wildfire lithoshield devoted to protect a community of homes or structures
and campuses, not just one property, which system may include features like a subterranean heat sink,
horizontal heat flue, superior sprinkler system with robotic nozzles, automatic emergency notification,
firebrand screens, windbreaks, emberbreaks and more. We call this ultimate solution a
Our traditional methods are no match for increased winds and heat driven by climate change.
A simple 6-ft wall will only serve as a convenient lever for
wind-driven wildfires to catapult the flames, heat and firebrands into the interior.
Do-It-Yourself measures to improve the safety of existing walls are suggested,
as are adding emberbreaks to sound walls on highways. Your own personal
wildfire mitigation plan for your home is incomplete without wind control improvements such as
wind-ember fences, even if not officially required by
local jurisdictions.
Gated communities without comprehensive external firewalls offer little protection against the
greatest hazards in hillside communities. Developers and architects should be held to a
higher standard in areas with histories of wildfires. The threat of pyro-terrorists attacks
creates a national security risk against valuable military assets, scientific
resources and observatories and our overall economic stability, much like what occurred with the Twin-Tower
911 disaster.
Unfortunately, wildfire safety standards and mitigation plans for California
and other states at this time do not include improvements for wind control or wind fencing, although California
does prescribe replacing wooden fences
with wildfire resistant materials and a
good list
of other needed mitigation improvements. Also, the wooden fences linked page does include an
example of wire mesh with wooden framing. This is a shortcoming that needs to be fixed ASAP!
CAL-Fire wake up! A WUI perimeter wildfire lithoshield system and strategically placed wind fences
may hopefully be on the drawing boards by urban planners today, especially when rebuilding our scorched
earth neighborhoods from previous seasons. It’s time to invest in our wildfire safety infrastructure,
including Virtual Magnetic Field Smart Meters (VMFSM) and the
Ultimate Plan U - Undergrounding.
If not now, when are we going to learn?
To put a damper on Diablo winds and Santa Ana winds, we can also synergistically
repurpose wind turbines with strategic location
patterns and adding screens and water sprays to hinder the passage of firebrands.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications may help to accelerate the development
of some of the more complex proposed solutions, although wind-ember screens and fences are a
no-brainer, especially around your house.
Consider your required wildfire mitigation plan (WMP)
just a starting point. Then, do what you can to add comprehensive protection improvements.
After all, it’s your house, your life! Take command, and help your neighbors, too!
Although most urban developments in WUI areas are protected from wildfires to some degree by firebreaks in nearby
wildlands and a defensible space of 100 feet or more in developed lots, as well as noncombustible barriers or
walls protecting some residential lots, an external firewall structure in or near the WUI perimeter is absent
from the scene.
Here, we explore the idea of a
comprehensive lithoshield system
or lithoshield devoted to protect a community of homes, not just one property, which system may include features like a
subterranean heat sink, horizontal heat flue, superior sprinkler system, automatic emergency notification,
firebrand screens,
and more.
The term ‘firewall’ is sometimes used to describe a firebreak in the wildlands. Now, we beg the question of whether an actual lithoshield structure offers added safety beyond that provided by an area simply cleared of vegetation. Does a firebreak adorned by a real lithoshield offer more protection than the firebreak by itself? If so, what specific dimensions, designs, features and enhancements may be critical to improving the potential fire protection promised? By reducing risks, will insurance rates be reduced? By reducing risks, will the costs spent on firefighting and ecological losses also be reduced, not to mention the horrible loss of lives, as well.
A new climate change assessment for California published in late August, 2018 says that the average area burned by wildfires will increase 77 percent by 2100, and the frequency of extreme wildfires—those that burn more than 25,000 acres—will increase by nearly 50 percent under a scenario with high global greenhouse gas emissions. No relief in climate extremes anticipated in the near future.
Nationwide, between 1980 and 2016 the numbers of acres burned per year has nearly doubled. In 2017, there were 71,499 wildfires, compared to 65,575 wildfires in the same period in 2016, according to the National Interagency Fire Center. About 10 million acres were burned in the 2017 period, compared with 5.4 million in 2016. 2017 acres burned were higher than the 10-year average.
Source: National Interagency Fire Center.
The trend of increasing acres burned nationally over the recent decades is also predicted to increase much like the grim forecast for California. A study published by NRDC in 2014 indicates that “Climate change could take a serious toll on the U.S. economy by expanding by 50 percent the area that wildfires burn —and raising projected damages by tens of billions of dollars a year by 2050.” Since the number of actual fires has remained generally constant in recent decades, it appears that increasing heat and wind tend to outmatch the resources and technology currently applied to suppress wildfires. In the west, the mountainous terrain surrounding desert plains tends to magnify the heat even more and create dynamic waves of sunbaked gales.
We entertain and invite the important role of organizations like the NFPA and the US Forest Service, as well as those institutions involved in fire science research or responsible for urban planning and building codes to take part in testing the technology and formulating guidelines and codes to enable the added safety measures potentially offered by a WUI perimeter wildfire lithoshield (WUI-PEFS).
Exactly where any wildfire lithoshield should be constructed is a critical question. Due to scarce resources and the benefit of timely solutions, an efficient plan may center around strategic areas, at the perimeter of a WUI area in the wildlands, which areas are designated as high fire risk or very high fire risk. This perimeter should be a narrowly defined area that is adjacent to vulnerable developed lots, but external to the lots themselves in most cases. Where might such a wall most effectively and efficiently be placed to offer the optimal protection for the urban area behind the wall in terms of topography and geology? The right-of-way and ownership of the area is also a consideration, as well as who is going to pay for it.
Planning for such may be required with updated standards and regional building codes for those areas designated as wildfire high risk zones.
Outside of WUI areas, some mountain crests, valleys and plains that seasonally create violent heat and wind storms with the propensity to threaten WUI developments, or serve as radial conduits along a sometimes very lengthy route, may be targeted for more preemptive tactics that include repurposed wind turbines as well as integrated external firewalls.
Some WUI areas may warrant more protection in different ways than others. There may also be particular developments that need protection but are not situated in locations where wall structures are practical or even feasible based on the topography or housing density, for example. A few cabins scattered in mountain resorts here and there may be very costly to protect for the amount of property at risk. A minimal threshold of developed assets density may need to be deployed in order to move the agenda. Consider some communities who may simply refuse to mar their view of the wildlands with a large concrete wall, despite the potential safety benefits.
Ecology and natural environs are the principal attraction for many people who have chosen to live in or near the mountains or other wildlands areas. Others may simply find their location to be a practical solution for employment or athletic activities. Urban sprawl and the high cost of property in premium regions, on the other hand, may force people to relocate into the boonies (WUBoonies?) whether they like it or not. Rising sea levels, whether actual, as in places like New Jersey, for example, or anticipated, may also be swelling the migration to higher grounds.
For identifying specific locations that may benefit from a comprehensive lithoshield system, and there are many, a good reference to start with is the Wildfire Hazard Potential map, developed by the U.S. Forest Service's Fire Modeling Institute to help inform assessments of wildfire risk or prioritization of fuels management needs across large landscapes, which map covers the entire United States. The map service displays those areas within the continental United States that have different levels of fire potential, categorized by five WHP classes of (very low – very high) and two non-WHP classes (non-burnable and water).
Wildfire Hazard Potential
Areas with higher WHP values represent fuels with a higher probability of experiencing torching, crowning, and other forms of extreme fire behavior under conducive weather conditions. According to the USFS, the data is not an explicit map of wildfire threat or risk; nor is it a forecast or outlook model for any particular season. When paired with spatial data depicting resources and assets such as communities, structures, or power lines, it can approximate relative wildfire risk to those resources and assets. It is instead intended for long-term strategic planning and fuels management.
When planning urban developments with high or very high WHP levels, the cost of building concrete external lithoshield systems may be justified, if not demanded, just like the costs of water resources, water tanks, sanitation, streets, power utilities, extra fire hydrants and other fire protection resources, by the application of appropriate standards.
Our infrastructure must adapt to modern threats and challenges, be they human-caused or natural, such as global warming and ecological instability. Are we sacrificially feeding dragons and sun gods with our precious resources, pets and very lives, in our pilgrimage to the mountain top? Very high WHP potentials may warrant firewalls with greater dimensions and other features and enhancements than those in merely high or moderate
WHP areas, taking the threat of torching or crowning into consideration.
Within high fire risk WUI areas and remote areas with the propensity to threaten WUI developments, practical and strategic logistics such as topography will inform architectural and engineering placements and designs for wildfire lithoshield systems as discussed throughout this proposal. These placement options are enumerated in the following table arranged by topography which reveals the broad scope of this proposal. The ten items in this enumeration are not exclusive and will hopefully inspire additional adaptations and strategies as needed.
Table 1
Topographical Scope of Lithoshield Placements
Topography Relevance |
Purpose |
Proximity |
Value |
Practicality |
1) Mountain crest in high pressure domain |
Control wayward winds dynamics and protect against wildfires preemptively |
Remote |
High |
Ambivalent |
2) Mountain crest in high fire risk mountain wave areas |
Control mountain wave wind dynamics and protect against wildfires preemptively |
Remote |
High |
Ambivalent |
3) Mountain - hillside crest by wind turbines |
Reduce wind dynamics and protect against wildfires preemptively |
Remote - proximate |
High |
High |
4) Hillside crest by housing development |
Protect housing against fire and heat |
Proximate |
High |
Ambivalent |
5) Hillside housing access road |
Protect housing and vegetation against fire and heat |
Proximate – near |
Medium |
High |
6) Hillside roadway integration near housing |
Protect housing and vegetation against fire and heat |
Proximate – near |
Medium |
High |
7) Hillside firebreak near housing |
Protect housing and vegetation against fire and heat |
Proximate – near |
Medium |
High |
8) Hillside slope near housing |
Protect housing and vegetation against fire and heat |
Proximate – near |
Medium |
Low |
9) Hillside base near housing |
Protect housing against fire and heat |
Proximate |
High |
Medium |
10) Grassland - plains by wind turbines |
Protect grasslands and rural housing preemptively |
Proximate – remote |
Medium |
Medium |
According to the National Park Service, as many as 90 percent of wildland fires in the United States are caused by humans. A recent study, released in 2017 and led by Jennifer Balch of the University of Colorado, lowers the human-caused wildfires slightly down to 84 percent:
Table 2
Causes of Wildfires
Causes of Wildfires |
Percent Human |
WUI – (Est.)% |
Percent Nature |
Debris burning |
29 |
29 |
0 |
Arson |
21 |
10 |
0 |
Natural causes (lightning, lava) |
0 |
0 |
16 |
Other human causes |
13 |
13 |
0 |
Equipment use |
11 |
11 |
0 |
Campfires |
5 |
0 |
0 |
Children playing with fireworks or matches |
5 |
5 |
0 |
Total Percent |
84 |
68* |
16 |
*WUI Estimate % calculated through interpolation by this author, not Jennifer Balch
The Fourth of July is the biggest day for wildfires, with 7,762 fires ignited on that date over the 21-year study period. Ironically, we celebrate Independence Day by threatening the same land we fought so hard to claim independently from England a couple hundred years ago.
Balch and her study co-authors looked at 1.5 million wildfires from 1992 to 2012 and found that the human-ignited fire season was three times longer than the lightning-ignited fire season and also added an average of 40,000 wildfires per year.
As a benefit of thinning the forests near WUI developments and other features of the proposed lithoshield system, we surmise that fires ignited near or in the occupied areas may have less of a chance to spread into the wildlands due to the reduction of fuel at the perimeter. By extrapolating data from the Balch study, we contend that most human-caused wildfires would fall into this space except for campfires at 5 percent and possibly a portion of deliberate arson at 21 percent.
Although a dedicated arsonist may seek remote wildlands to secretly ignite a wildfire, we know that many arsonists are witnessed in the act of suspicious behavior near or within the WUI developments, locations that are convenient in well-traveled roads and trails. Incendiaries left behind also establish forensic evidence to pinpoint ignition locations. If we split the arson cases in half we get about 10 percent which adds up to 68 percent for all WUI located wildfire ignitions, perhaps a bit more for cases of natural lightning and such in the WUI. That totals to roughly 68-70 percent of all wildfires that we can manage and prevent within the WUI perimeter or adjacent to it with the proper tools and standards applied.
Fires that start in the urban developments proper, including those at the hands of arsonists, may be hindered from spreading into the wildlands if the lithoshield structure intervenes, especially when enhanced with the bi-directional Superior Sprinkler System, described below.
In summary, the proposed WUI perimeter wildfire lithoshield as well as carefully targeted preemptive means have the potential to:
1. Protect humans and their property against human folly and negligence in WUI areas, responsible for the greatest portion of wildfires estimated at 68-70 percent,
2. Protect the wildlands from about half of humans bearing incendiaries, the culprits of 21 percent of wildfires, as well as larger numbers of human negligence-caused wildfires estimated at 68-70 percent in total, and
3. Protect humans from occasional naturally-caused seasonal fires accounting for about 16 percent of all wildfires.
The principal advantage of a firewall is the control of radiant heat including flaming fuels which will be physically blocked and possibly absorbed or reflected by the structure. Depending on the type of material, a thicker wall may potentially block or absorb more heat than a thinner wall. Firebreaks also contribute to such control by removing immediate fuels and generating neutral space where such radiant heat and flames will dissipate. A lithoshield can also obstruct the movement of firebrands at the level of the wall, whereas firebreaks offer no barriers to any particles carried by the wind. Adding the two together in parallel will potentially double their combined protective capacity in a summative manner or possibly they may interact in such a way to produce geometric results. Since
these systems border the wildlands, and may extend for hundreds of meters, it’s also important to provide a bridge or porthole for wildlife to straddle or circumvent lengthy barriers. Although the proposed firewalls may not reduce the incidence of wildfires, the potential for substantially mitigating the number of acres burned and the losses related thereto are promising.
Extreme winds and heat especially in the Western States require adaptive infrastructure solutions. According to a new climate change assessment for California: the average area burned by wildfires will increase 77 percent by 2100, and the frequency of extreme wildfires—those that burn more than 25,000 acres—will increase by nearly 50 percent under a scenario with high global greenhouse gas emissions. In the areas that have the highest fire risk, wildfire insurance is estimated to see costs rise by 18 percent by 2055. The wildfire lithoshield we propose is designed to guard against mountain waves and high pressure systems known as Diablo Winds and Santa Ana Winds along the Sierra Nevada,
which historically drive many wildfires in California and are also addressed in the new assessment. These solutions also apply to a wide scope of topographical scenarios common to a range of ecological regions.
1. Heat: What sets this strategy apart from traditional firefighting tactics is the recognition that the vast majority of intense heat generated in a wildfire is not confined to the fire front, but is broadly distributed in large volumes of hellfire heat in vectors and wind streams widely extended in all three dimensions away from the fire front, and more so in wind-driven fires common to this climate. In many cases, dangerous heat also precedes and primes the vegetation to ignite the initial fuel source. The logistics proposed,
for not just containing but also quenching
these volatile heat vectors,
center around key aspects of the lithoshield system, including the subterranean heat sink, horizontal heat flue, superior sprinkler system and wind turbine integration. The basic premise with regard to wildfire heat is that containment is not enough, and should only be recognized as a final protective perimeter. We need sufficient heat quenching and treated dispersal only into safe locations like subterranean heat pits, not spewing raw into the air to keep firebrands and dangerous fuels warm and cozy.
2. Wind: In addition to a sizeable wall structure with various reflecting surfaces, strategic preemptive solutions to mitigate dangerous winds that often prime the landscape for wildfire ignition, are designed with integrated firewalls and wind turbines on mountain crests and
3. Firebrands: Our focus on the hazards of firebrands includes tactics integrated with the lithoshield such as firebrand screens, water sprays and cooling the firebrand incubator as well as promoting innovatively repurposed wind turbines. We daringly extend this discussion to include possible mobile 3D heat containment tactics, as well.
The objective: 3D comprehensive solutions, above and below the ground, for the big three threats of wildfires: heat, wind and firebrands.
In the interest of data sharing, let’s also connect our superior sprinkler system information sensing and gathering process with Big Data systems in the Internet, from 3D to 3DC (3D Cloud) as well as multiple robotic nozzles with remote control capabilities. Though the solutions offered have the capacity to effectively manage the challenges of known climate extremes, they can also be calibrated for more temperate climates in various regions.
Our model of a comprehensive lithoshield system includes the following components and configurations:
1. Wall Structure,
7. Flood Control & Retaining Walls,
Clearly, the wall would need to be fire resistant to the highest standards.
The height of the wall is an important parameter that may be critical to functionality.
But, due to wind dynamics, no solid
wall by itself with a straight vertical shape can either effectively buffer strong winds or protect against embers, as
illustrated below.
Does a wall have to be 30 feet tall to protect against 30 foot flames? Rectitude, slant and curvature
may also be strategically significant since an approaching fire usually accompanies or generates a great deal of wind and
powerful plumes. For example, if the wall is intended to protect a housing development at the crest of a mountain of fuel
below, should it lean towards the fuel? What if the wall and the development is at the base of the mountain. Should it
lean the other way? All these questions are addressed in this discussion with promising potential solutions.
A standard 6-ft. landscape wall may provide some control for direct radiant heat, but it also poses a dangerous lever to catapult hot winds, flames and firebrands towards the interior. It may help to protect against some predators, vermin, floods and bullets, but winds and wind-driven wildfires are only elevated and plummeted directly below in chaotic turbulence, regardless of whether the wall is 10-ft. tall or 20-ft. tall. As noted in ecolandscaping.org , wind also dries out soils and vegetation quickly. Additionally, wind increases plant transpiration, requiring the plant to use more water. High wind can shred plant leaves and sand particles can sandblast the entire plant. In agriculture, experts have learned to use semi-permeable vegetation screens and wind fences or windbreaks to at least mitigate the winds in a sustainable manner. Solid – no! Permeable – yes! Fire resistant wind fences are also currently available as discussed below, and we also propose innovative curved solid walls or lithoshields that are designed to trap and extinguish firebrands and extreme heat and flames, which can be integrated with permeable windbreak structures for comprehensive protection. While the lithoshields are being developed and tested, you can immediately place windbreak fences around your property or mount them on top of your existing solid walls. Read on for more details.
Our proposal to integrate external firewalls with wind turbines can also generate some electrical juice which will help pay for construction costs.
Blocking radiant heat is one thing, but if such heat is allowed to simply roll over the structure, as with a simple nonflammable barrier, and continue to flow in the same direction with almost the same intensity, how much protection will be provided? Firewalls within a building have at least a ceiling and roof or additional stories above them to seal off the flames and heat to some extent and contain them within the structure on one side of the wall. Not so with simple nonflammable barriers or walls out in the open.
Figure 1
Wildfire Lithoshield Cross-Section Schematic
Instead of simply bouncing hot air and fumes into the open air stream above, would there be some advantage acquired by blocking their advance and reflecting them down into the earth in a subterranean heat sink where more heat and fumes can safely be absorbed below the ground, along with possibly a few firebrands?
Whereas the concrete wall structure itself is capable of absorbing some heat and reflecting other heat, the ground below is practically unlimited in heat absorbing capacity and only a couple of shovels away. The same trench needed for the foundation can simply be enlarged to afford ample space for some hot air to bounce around and cool off before it is allowed to safely flow back into the space above through filtered vents, which filters may help to capture firebrands and other debris. Possibly, the exhaust vents will be elevated in the wall structure and directed towards the wildlands, where, again the cooling air and fumes may be recycled in the same draft as they mix with warmer air straight from the fire front.
The cross-section schematic is presented only to give a very rough visual presentation of the ideas described as the subterranean heat sink and the horizontal heat flue and how they may be positioned relative to the entire structure. These are the guts of the system with regard to heat and fire control and disposition: digesting heat and wind and converting some to useful kinetic energy while dispersing and absorbing other streams into the cooler walls, reflectors and air spaces within the bowels of the heat sink below and vents of the heat flues above. And much of it recycled in the process, by design, and mixed with cooler air along the way until finally being filtered, twisted and belched via the superior exhaust vent. The heat flue draws hot air and flames through the overhang at a slight incline and at a 90 degree deflection from its entry point to the left of this schematic. Internal reflectors redirect incoming wind-driven hot air streams down into the heat sink where they will lose a few calories before bouncing around and exiting through the same heat flue.
This system is designed to protect residential properties on the right side of the wall structure as presented above, based on the orientation of the heat sink intake system. If the fire is advancing from the residential side of the wall, the main protection for the wildlands would be the Superior Sprinkler System and the coordinated thinning and firebreaks discussed below. For maximum protection in both directions two similar structures facing opposite ways could be designed to share a common subterranean heat sink with a V-shaped profile. Also, for fire fronts descending on a hillside, variations in the overhang could be made to extend it at a higher angle and longer distance. It’s all a matter of simple geometry and heat dynamics, and, of course, specialized
engineering skills for dealing with the details.
Extending the hood several feet ahead of the structure as an overhang will capture more heat and flames that may not have the advantage of collateral winds. Since these heat vectors will be mostly directed in an upward direction due to heat dynamics, this strategy would be critical for capturing heat and flames advancing on a hillside, for example.
Shaping the hood with an additional bend or advanced wind reflector may allow for effectively guiding approaching flames and heat either towards the heat sink or laterally along the hooded flue depending on the approaching direction and intensity of the advancing flames and wind. In general, it is likely that most wind-driven heat will be absorbed by the heat sink whereas other heat that is lofted simply by heat dynamics would be re-routed through the heat flue system.
Naturally, hot air and flames tend to soar vertically into the air while connecting with fuel sources on the ground. Here we shape the contour of the lithoshield to guide the horizontal vectors into an optimal downward path to their final resting place, in terms of their caloric content. The only energy we need is the kinetic forces already provided by the advancing wildfire. Of course, taller walls will have more capacity to tag more hot air streams and firebrands to redirect them down below.
Fuel driven flames advancing in a declining direction on a hillside, to the right of the above schematic drawing, can be adequately contained by the substantial back side of the wall structure, without the benefit of a heat sink, while their remaining fuel is exhausted and their residual heat dissipated vertically in the air. Because of the substantial fuel break imposed by the lithoshield structure and most likely a parallel firebreak or road, there would be very little likelihood that the declining front would be able to jump over the barrier. Even a small amount of downward wind or eddies caused by the mountain wave effect may be sufficiently neutralized. The back side of the wall will also deflect declining winds and heat above and away from the hillside for more
For ideal hillside installations in windy terrains, the back side of the structure could also be designed with an additional barricade several meters in height for more protection in the vertical direction. The overhanging heat flue structure on the downside left and the vertical barricade on the upside right would combine to form a V-shaped profile above the ground. Ultimately, the upside could simply mirror the downside, flues and all, and share a common heat sink. Maximum protection in all terrains.
Building a lithoshield along a hillside, for example, will support a wall structure likewise inclined with an extended hood facing the advancing fire. On flat plains or mountain crests, other architectural designs can optimally guide the hot air to a path of safe dispersal. Based on topography, numerous frontal architectural profiles may be suitable including the six archetypes enumerated below:
Table 3
External Firewalls Architectural Profile Options
Architectural Profile Schematic |
Key Features |
Description |
· Level plane
· Elliptical top
· Elliptical flue |
1) Level plane -
Elliptical top with heat flue occupying the arched space. Foundation flat on level plane or nearly level. Exhaust vent at highest point of the ellipse near center.
· Level plane
· Isosceles top
· Isosceles triangle flue
2) Level plane
- Geometric top
shaped like an isosceles triangle over the intake vent and foundation as the base. Foundation level on fairly level plane. Heat flue occupying entire triangular space. Exhaust vent at highest end of heat flue.
· Level plane
· Inclined top
· Right triangle flue
3) Level plane - straight inclined top
(not curved) shaped like a right triangle over the intake vent and foundation as the base. Foundation level on fairly level plane. Heat flue occupying entire triangular space. Exhaust vent at highest end of heat flue.
· Inclined plane aligned with road
· Top parallel to adjacent inclined road
· Flue inclined with road
4) Inclined plane - roadway aligned top
following the inclination of a roadway or firebreak on a hillside plane with foundation also so inclined. Exhaust vent at top end.
· Inclined plane aligned with road
· Top integrated with superior inclined road
· Flue inclined with road |
5) Inclined plane -
Roadway integrated
structure follows roadway inclination and constructs lithoshield directly below roadway to rebuild road as top layer of firewall. Provides opportunity to expand roadway.
· Level plane
· No heat sink
· Reduced protective capacity |
6) Barebones – No heat sink for terrains where heat sink not practical or for small individual lots. Flue base is inclined above a level wall. Exhaust vent at high point of flue. Reflector bounces more heat and flames into the heat flue. |
Other options include combined segments of the profiles above for irregular topographies or to wrap around a lot on a hillside with multiple inclinations |
for both level and inclined edges. Whenever possible in combined segments, it’s best to integrate the heat flues and subterranean heat sinks for maximum |
uninterrupted space in order to absorb and extinguish more heat. One ultimate heat flue exhaust vent at the highest point would be the ideal architecture, however multiple exhaust vents may be the only practical solution for some situations.
By applying the same principles of 1) inclining the heat flue ceiling, and 2) placing the heat flue exhaust vent at the highest point available, many functional variations, combinations and alternatives may be designed, as well. Wherever you can build a path or firebreak, by digging a little deeper, you can also build a super-protective firewall. Even without a heat sink, a lithoshield with only an ample heat flue can increase your chances of surviving an advancing wildfire to a considerable degree. A few robotic nozzles will improve your chances even more, as discussed in minimum lithoshield configuration.
Figure 2
Apex Heat Flue Exhaust Top View Schematic
A convenient path of construction may be similar to an access road that gently wraps around a hillside with minimum degrees of incline. Such hillside access roads may also be suitable placements for external lithoshield systems as we propose. The overhanging hood will function as a heat flue with an open bottom channeling the fire and fumes laterally for possibly several hundred feet, or even more if it is tucked beside the entire length of a hillside access road, for example. The greater the length, the greater the volume of uninterrupted cubic space and linear surface area both in the heat flue and heat sink.
Figure 3
A swimming pool is all that remains of a hilltop home after being burned by the Delta wildfire that swept through Shasta County, Friday, Aug. 10, 2018. (AP Photo/Michael Burke) ABC30 News
By extending the heat flue system to the very top of the hillside with only one ultimate vent at the crest and above any housing or vegetation, the exhausted air will be positioned in most likely the safest space possible since vulnerable fuels will be below their trajectory.
This may be seen as a virtual chimney or smoke stack which belches out heat and smoke in a safe manner. In some cases, where the landscape does not provide a suitable elevation for a safe lithoshield flue, a physical smoke stack can be integrated for added safety.
Winding hillside access roads may also be integrated with external firewalls in one solid structure. Please see Roadway Integration for more discussion on this topic. The dynamics of rising heat will serve to trap most of the heat and flames within the hood. The extended flue along the road may capture more of the heat that would not otherwise be successfully redirected towards the subterranean heat sink and will likewise re-channel those fumes released through the heat sink exhaust vents. Please see schematic rendering above for Apex Exhaust Vent.
Figure 4
Shacks with tarp roofs dot the hillside of MTST’s Paulo Freire Occupation on the outskirts of São Paulo. Image by The Megacity Initiative. Brazil, 2015.
Some of the roads surrounding this development and shanty town may be suitable for the proposed solution of a comprehensive lithoshield system tucked below the road. This particular site is in São Paulo, Brazil where there’s a demand for affordable housing. The lithoshield system can also be constructed on any slope or plain without the convenience of a road or firebreak with which to merge, such as in the foreground of this photo. In some parts of the world, hillside housing is more affordable, in others, it comes at a premium. Homeless squatters need protection, too! Location, Location, Location.
Wildlands, Housing, Wildlands, WUBoonies, Tent Cities, People.
In addition to the option of building firewalls adjacent to winding access roads, the roadway itself may be integrated with the lithoshield and extend over the top. This may be necessary in hillsides with steep cliffs, for example, which is where more intense fires are likely to occur. The added weight of the roadway may require pillars extending from the base to the overhanging hood and superior roadway. Occasionally, roadways along steep cliffs may already have supporting pillars in their foundation.
The integrated roadway-lithoshield may also accommodate an expansion of the roadway. Expanding the roadway in this manner will more readily facilitate the passage of emergency vehicles, which is often problematic in hillside emergencies. On some steep hillsides, it may be necessary to forego the heat sink integration due to the engineering challenges involved, although this omission should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. In those sections without a heat sink, the protection provided by the extended overhang and heat flue system, as well as the sprinkler system with properly spaced robotic nozzles
, should reduce the threat of advancing fires to a significant degree.
Positioning the wall below the road will also serve to protect the road and its travelers, assuming the fire approaches from below. This may be critical for protection during an evacuation, for example
. See Hillside Housing for an example of suitable hillside roadways.
On a level plane, such as at the base of a hill, crest of a mountain or in a plain, the same inclined flue effect may be accomplished simply by slanting and inclining the flue profile in the shape of an isosceles triangle or right triangle in the desired direction or forming an elliptical design with an arched heat flue. In any case, at the crest of the inclined structure, the hood will be reshaped and extended outward from the wall towards the flaming front.
Figure 5
Front View Schematic of Mountain Crest Lithoshield – elliptical shape suitable for all level terrains